Saturday, September 27, 2008


Classic sad stories about people with superb fitness collapsed and die? People dying because of heart problems? Now, all these can be detected and make interventions early to prevent possible health problem!

Digital Pulsewave Analyzer is an FDA APPROVED non invasive device which takes a snapshot of your endothelial health (Inner lining of your arteries).It was originally developed at the University of Minnesota in the early 1980s and currently used by the US army.

It screens circulation, aterial flexibility and hydration levels by using PULSEWAVE TECNHOLOGY. This device do not diagnose. However, it shows the signs of problems that may occur over the next couple of years if nothing has been done to your lifestyle or nutrition.

A brief summary of what can be detected using DPA

1. Regularity of heart beat
2. Heart muscle strength
3. Heart muscle valve closing and opening to check whether you`re prone to hyperthyroidism or decrease in your cardiac output.
4. Hydration level of your body
5. Large arteries, small arteries and arteriole flexibility and blockage
6. Estimated age of arteries
7. Glucose metabolism
8. Hormonal health
9. Digestion, intestinal, heart, organs, and joint health
10. Nervous system

Seems Fantastic and hard to believe?! This device is very accurate as i have tested on so many clients of mine. I even took the dpa test for myself for 5 times to check for the accuracy and every results give the same reading!

This device uses PULSEWAVE TECHNOLOGY, which is validated by Medical Professional Bodies, published in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION.

Principle of Measurement

The light from the LEDs is transmiited through the tissue at the sensor site. The Photodiode detects the changes in the amunt of light absorbed by hemoglobin (Red blood cells) , which forms a PTG wave. Analysis will be taken according to PTG waveform, followed by the APG wave form which is derived from PTG.

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